Oral Sedation in Brunswick, GA You’re not alone if you get anxiety when it comes time for your next dentist appointment. Many people avoid the dentist altogether because their fear of procedures is so great. The good news is there are solutions to help calm your anxiety, and oral sedation is one of them. Cosmetic DentistryBotoxMouth RejuvenationPartial DenturesInvisalignJuvedermDental FillingsPorcelain RestorationTeeth WhiteningVeneersPreventative DentistryCancer ScreeningsDental HygieneRestorative DentistryBridgesDental CrownsDental ImplantsGum TherapyNew You DenturesOralDNARoot Canal TherapyTeethXpress ImplantsSedation DentistryOral SedationNuCalmSleep ApneaTMJ TherapyMigraine TherapyPhysiologic Dentistry Request an Appointment What is Oral Sedation? Oral sedation is one of the ways dentists help their patients reduce anxiety so…