September 2022

Britt Blog 1200x630 September

Bleeding Gums

It is not uncommon to experience bleeding gums occasionally. It is most noticeable if you see a hint of red or pink when you brush your teeth. Most of the time, bleeding gums are nothing to be concerned about and may indicate that you damaged your gums while eating or have food stuck between your teeth that irritated your gums. The problem arises when your gums are bleeding on a regular basis. It can signal that you have a problem with your oral health that needs to be treated. Some causes of bleeding gums may include:

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Britt Blog 1200x630 September 2022

Improve Your Smile Today!

We don’t know about you, but we cannot believe that it is September already! It feels like we were just ringing in the new year, and before we know it we will be celebrating the start of 2023. Not that we want to rush anything, but if you would love to make a change to your smile in time for the holidays, now is the perfect time to learn more about the treatments we would recommend for your mouth and your face. Interested to learn more about how we can improve your smile to enjoy for the holiday season? Read on to learn more.

Improve Your Smile Today! Read More »

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