November Is TMJ Awareness Month

We know that many of our patients are preparing for the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday, but during November, we also recognize TMJ Awareness Month. This is a time to raise awareness and support those who suffer from this condition and how to find relief and treatment solutions. TMJ stands for the temporomandibular joint, which is responsible for opening and closing the jaw. You may also hear the term TMD, which refers to temporomandibular joint disorder. Many people use TMJ and TMD interchangeably, referring to the same condition. Patients with this condition can experience:

TMD And Fibromyalgia

Do you or someone you know suffer from fibromyalgia or symptoms associated with chronic pain? Fibromyalgia is a condition in which individuals experience all-over muscle pain, fatigue, joint pain and discomfort, as well as many other symptoms. It is not uncommon for someone who suffers from fibromyalgia to also experience symptoms related to TMD or temporomandibular joint disorder. Similar to fibromyalgia, TMD symptoms can also include regular pain and discomfort in the jaw joints, facial muscles and soft facial tissue in the area of the head, face and neck.

What Not To Do When You Have TMD

Do you routinely suffer from discomfort in your jaw or experience frequent headaches and migraines? If so, you may have a common condition known as TMD, or temporomandibular joint disorder. This condition arises when the jaw joint, muscles in the jaw and face, and facial nerves that control the movement of the jaw become misaligned, injured, or inflamed. We offer treatments to help this condition; however, certain habits could be creating or adding to the discomfort you may be experiencing. Read on to learn if you are making your TMD symptoms worse.

Is Your Jaw Causing You Discomfort? Learn More About TMD

Do you hear a popping sound when you open and close your mouth? Do you feel tenderness and discomfort in your jaw after opening your mouth wide, for example after eating a big meal. You might be suffering from the effects of TMD, or temporomandibular disorder. TMD is an issue that can arise from problems with the jaw joints and face muscles. When the temporomandibular joint, which is the hinge that attaches your jaw to your skull, becomes misaligned, it can lead to discomfort and leave lasting effects.

How Stress Can Affect Your Oral Health

Are you feeling a sense of unease or stress in your life that you have never experienced before? It is safe to say that the past year has been rather difficult. Life for many has been in a constant state of change, including working from home, students learning virtually, travel restrictions, among many other hardships. You may be aware of the physical and mental difficulties that can arise from added stress in your life, but do you know that your oral health is at risk as well? Continue reading to learn about oral conditions that can arise from added stress in your daily life.

Act Early When It Comes To Jaw Pain

We often take our health for granted until something doesn’t work properly or we are in pain. Swallowing and opening and closing your mouth are everyday activities — facilitated by the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) — that you probably don’t even think about. Your TMJ is the hinge that connects your jaw to your skull. When this joint becomes inflamed, it causes pain in your jaw as well as your face, neck and head, and makes eating and speaking difficult. This disorder is known as TMD, or temporomandibular disorder. It can affect your ability to do simple things such as talk, chew, and yawn.

Do You Have Facial Pain Or Headaches?

Like most of us, you may be thinking more about your health and what you can do to stay well. Now is a good time to address any issues that have been bothering you or causing pain. We see patients who complain of jaw pain, facial pain and headaches. Do you or someone you know suffer from these symptoms? If so, we have a solution to help you live pain free. Read more to find out about treatment for temporomandibular joint disorder, or TMD.

Can You Relate?

I have patients who tell me they are experiencing unexplained pain in their jaw, face, neck and shoulders. They don’t know what could be causing it, and don’t know who to ask for help.

When I tell them they are most likely suffering from temporomandibular joint disorder (TMD) and that I can treat their symptoms, they are relieved to know there is a solution for their discomfort. Can you identify with any of these symptoms? Click here to learn more about the common symptoms of TMD.

Do You Suffer From Migraine Headaches?

If you suffer from migraine headaches, no one needs to tell you how debilitating and painful they can be. Like many others who experience these painful headaches, you may have lost time from work and had to miss family outings and other important life events while you stay at home until the pain has passed. Migraines can have a variety of causes, but you may be surprised to learn about one unexpected cause. Read on to learn more.

a bowl of cereal

Do you awaken to sore or stiff jaw muscles?

Has this happened to you before? You open your mouth and you hear a snap, crackle, and pop, But it’s not coming from a bowl of Rice Krispies. It’s happened before and you thought it would go away. But it hasn’t. Do you awaken to sore or stiff jaw muscles? You’ve tried to figure out the problem, but you can’t. There’s something that can cause either of those problems. I can help you find relief. Take the TMJ Risk Quiz Take our quick, 15 second quiz to discover your risk level for TMJ Disorder and begin living a pain free…

TMJ Risk Quiz

Cosmetic DentistryBotoxMouth RejuvenationPartial DenturesInvisalignJuvedermDental FillingsPorcelain RestorationTeeth WhiteningVeneersPreventative DentistryCancer ScreeningsDental HygieneRestorative DentistryBridgesDental CrownsDental ImplantsGum TherapyNew You DenturesOralDNARoot Canal TherapyTeethXpress ImplantsSedation DentistryOral SedationNuCalmSleep ApneaTMJ TherapyMigraine TherapyPhysiologic Dentistry Request an Appointment Take our quick, 15 second quiz to discover your risk level for TMJ Disorder and begin living a pain free life! Has your sleep partner complained that you grind or gnash your teeth in your sleep?* Yes No Do you experience chronic or severe facial pain concentrated near your jawbone, around your mouth, and/or below your ears?* Yes No Do you suffer from migraines?* Yes No Are you prone to headaches, neck…

Woman with jaw pain

Why Suffer From Jaw Pain?

You wake up to excruciating jaw pain — again. You think about what your day has in store and cringe. How will you interact with co-workers, clients, and even the Starbucks barista when it physically hurts you to smile? If this scenario is familiar, you may have a problem with your TMD. The temporomandibular joint connects your lower jaw to your upper. When this joint becomes inflamed or irritated, it results in TMD, or temporomandibular joint disorder. For some, TMD pain can be debilitating, preventing them from enjoying social situations. The following symptoms are the most common: Facial swelling Jaw…