Preventative dentistry involves a series of dental procedures and life practices that help prevent the progression of oral disease. This includes regular at-home oral hygiene, as well as professional dental care provided by a registered dental hygienist to maintain healthy teeth and gums.

A thorough examination of the teeth and soft tissue includes visual and tactile exams, radiographic examination such as x-rays, and an oral cancer screening. With advances in dentistry, licensed clinicians can also diagnose periodontal or gum disease with dental technology, including a computerized measurement device that calculates bacterial content in the mouth.
Most Americans experience some form of periodontal disease, often without realizing it. Periodontal disease is primarily responsible for adult tooth loss, bleeding gums, bad breath, and receding gums. Gum disease is easily prevented with proper hygiene, home care, and professional treatment. If diagnosed in its early stages, gum disease treatment is easier, less invasive, and more effective.
Your visit with Dr. Lancaster and Dr. Britt includes a complete evaluation of your gums and supportive tissues. Our licensed hygienists at Exceptional Dentistry of the Golden Isles are educated in identifying early signs of periodontal disease, tooth decay, and other issues related to the soft tissues of the mouth that could ultimately lead to oral cancer.
Please schedule an appointment today for a professional teeth cleaning and oral cancer screening.