Teeth Whitening in Brunswick, GA

Teeth whitening is a simple, yet effective procedure delivering immediate visual results that boost how you feel and look. It’s no secret that a brighter smile invokes youth, vitality, and radiance. The best part is that there are both in-office and at-home options that are affordable and yield long-lasting results.

Some common factors of tooth discoloration can simply be a result of genetics, antibiotics, and age. However, certain lifestyle choices such as smoking and drinking coffee can also affect tooth color.

Dr. Lancaster and Dr. Britt offer Zoom!™, a powerful, in-office procedure that produces fast and dramatic results. As the #1 patient-requested professional whitening treatment, Zoom! is only available to dentists to ensure maximum safety and optimal results.

Request an Appointment(912) 264-5550

Zoom! is available in-office and as a special take-home kit.

Professional whitening maintenance on-the-go for a longer lasting, more beautiful smile

The Zoom Whitening Pen is a great addition to the professional whitening treatments you currently offer.  A simple addition to the smile care routine that allows patients to protect their bright white smile at home, work or on the go with an easy click-pen applicator.

Only $25

Ask about them at your next appointment!

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Learn More About Zoom! Whitening In These Videos

Dr. Lancaster and Dr. Britt also offer the KöR Whitening Deep Bleaching™ System, considered by Dental Product Shopper to be the most effective, reliable, and permanent teeth whitening system formulated for average and difficult-to-whiten teeth with little or no sensitivity.

Your dentists at Exceptional Dentistry of the Golden Isles are happy to consult with you one-on-one to determine the right teeth whitening plan for your needs.

Your teeth deserve the best. We ensure you get it.