January 2022

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Sedation Dentistry: Is it Possible to Relax at the Dentist?

Have you avoided visiting the dentist for routine dental care or needed treatments because of dental anxiety? If so, you are not alone. Many Americans suffer from some form of dental fear that prevents them from receiving care. Avoiding dental care for prolonged periods of time can lead to tooth decay, the need for additional treatments, and added costs. Sedation dentistry allows our patients to receive the care they need while remaining in a relaxed state.

Sedation Dentistry: Is it Possible to Relax at the Dentist? Read More »

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New Year, New Smile!

The start of a new year is a great time to evaluate the state of your oral health and make any necessary changes. If you recently lost a tooth due to extraction or need to have a tooth replaced, now is a wonderful time to start the process. A missing or damaged tooth can cause numerous problems with your oral health and can also negatively impact your self-esteem. We have a number of excellent tooth replacement options available that can restore your smile and change your life. Read on to learn more.

New Year, New Smile! Read More »

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