Sedation Dentistry in Brunswick, GA

Are you delaying dental treatment due to fear? If your answer is yes, YOU ARE NOT ALONE. Millions of people are fearful of dental treatments for different reasons. Some have experienced trauma due to past dental experiences, while others may be afraid of needles. Certain smells in the dental office can also trigger anxiety and just the sight of the “Dentist” can cause the heart rate to increase.

preventative dentistry

For Millions of Americans, Sedation Dentistry is a dream come true! With sedation dentistry, you don’t have to be afraid anymore. Oral Sedation Dentistry protocols have been used safely for over 30 years with millions of different dental procedures.

Imagine being able to accomplish all of your dental care in as little as one to two visits and in complete relaxation. This may be possible for you with Conscious Sedation Dentistry. Many patients report feeling surprisingly good afterwards, with little or no memory of their dental visit. You, too, can feel relaxed and comfortable during your dental treatment.

Here’s how it works. Prior to any treatment, the dedicated team at Exceptional Dentistry of the Golden Isles reviews your medical history and explains how Conscious Sedation can work for you. On the day of your appointment, you will take medication in pill-form. You will need to have a family member or friend bring you to the office. Once you are at the office, you will be monitored closely throughout your visit. Our team will then perform the agreed upon treatment. After treatment, your friend or family member will drive you home to rest. It’s that simple!

Schedule a consultation to find out if you are a candidate for Conscious Sedation and enjoy the benefits of a beautiful smile and good health!


Common Questions about Sedation Dentistry

Q: Will I really be totally relaxed?

A: You’ll receive just enough sedation so that you’ll be completely unaware of the treatment, as you would if you were asleep.

Q: Will I remember anything?

A: At the end of the treatment, you’ll have little or no memory of your dental visit.

Q: Will I be groggy after my treatment is over?

A: You will feel just fine. For your safety, we do require that you have a family member or friend drive you home.

Q: Is Sedation Dentistry safe for me?

A: Before starting any treatments, we review your medical history and we monitor you very closely while you are under sedation.

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