April 2023

Britt Blog April 23

Why You Should Never Ignore A Cracked Tooth

Although your tooth enamel is the strongest substance in the body, it is not indestructible. Your teeth experience a lot of wear and tear. Just with the number of times we eat per day, our teeth get a lot of use. As with anything that gets used frequently, there is always the possibility of a problem developing. This is one of the reasons we are so passionate about our patients visiting us for routine hygiene examinations and cleanings. During these appointments, we inspect the teeth for signs of decay and other problems. One of the issues we look for is cracked teeth.

Why You Should Never Ignore A Cracked Tooth Read More »

Britt Email April 23

Spring Into A Great Smile!

We don’t know about you, but we are so excited that spring has finally arrived! Spring is a popular time for weddings, graduations, proms, and other events. Do you have an upcoming event, and would you love to improve your smile before the special day? We provide a number of treatments that can be started and completed in one office visit or a few short visits and will have your smile drastically improved before you know it! Read on to learn more about these treatments.

Spring Into A Great Smile! Read More »

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