July 2023

Britt Blog July 23 Updated

Is Chewing Gum A Help Or A Hindrance To Your Oral Health?

At Dentistry by Angela Britt, we love to share tips and tricks that benefit your oral health. Did you know that sugar-free gum is an excellent tool to help your teeth and mouth when you are not immediately able to brush your teeth after eating? Many people consider sugar-free gum a form of candy and would never think of it as a tool to help their oral health. We do want to clarify though that sugar-free gum is beneficial, not chewing gum that is loaded with sugar.

Is Chewing Gum A Help Or A Hindrance To Your Oral Health? Read More »

Britt Email July 23

Is It Ever Too Late To Restore Your Smile?

Are you experiencing dental issues and struggling to schedule your appointment because you are self-conscious or concerned about being too old to improve? Would you love to change your smile, but are hesitant to express your desires when you are in the office? It is not uncommon to want to improve some aspect of your teeth, even if it is as simple as wishing for a whiter smile. However, we know that we have some patients who need to restore the function of their teeth. Whether you have been postponing a dental treatment for age or financial reasons, we are here to tell you that it is never too late to restore your oral health. Read on to learn more.

Is It Ever Too Late To Restore Your Smile? Read More »

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