August 2022

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TMD And Fibromyalgia

Do you or someone you know suffer from fibromyalgia or symptoms associated with chronic pain? Fibromyalgia is a condition in which individuals experience all-over muscle pain, fatigue, joint pain and discomfort, as well as many other symptoms. It is not uncommon for someone who suffers from fibromyalgia to also experience symptoms related to TMD or temporomandibular joint disorder. Similar to fibromyalgia, TMD symptoms can also include regular pain and discomfort in the jaw joints, facial muscles and soft facial tissue in the area of the head, face and neck.

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This Treatment Could Solve Your Problems!

We not only want our patients to have a healthy smile, but we also want them to have a beautiful smile they love to show off. Have you or a loved one recently learned you need to have a tooth replaced or are looking to upgrade the tooth replacement option you have had for years? Some of our patients are interested in learning more about dental implants but hold off on speaking to a member of our team because they are afraid they won’t be a good candidate. Does this sound like you or someone you know? If so, we are here to tell you that more patients than ever before are eligible for dental implants. Read on to learn more.

This Treatment Could Solve Your Problems! Read More »

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