June 2023

Britt Blog June 23

Get The Smile Of Your Dreams With Veneers

At Dentistry by Angela Britt, we offer a number of cosmetic dentistry treatments that can bring about any change you would love to see in your smile. When we meet with a patient and they express that they are interested in improving or changing their smile, we examine the state of their oral health. We then speak with the patient to see what their thoughts are and the direction they would like to go with the appearance of their teeth. Some patients may have an idea of what their dream smile looks like, but before that happens, we have to make some improvements to their oral health, such as a treatment to restore the function of the teeth. One popular request from patients is that they want to have a uniform smile that rivals that of their favorite movie star or celebrity. For these patients, we typically recommend veneers.

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Britt Email June 23

Don’t Forget To Schedule Your Next Appointment With Us

When was the last time you visited our office for a routine hygiene examination and cleaning? If it has been longer than six months, you are due! We know that life is busy and that time seems to fly by. We don’t know about you, but we can’t believe it is already June! It seems like we were just watching the ball drop for the start of 2023. Speaking of June, summer is the perfect time to schedule an appointment if you are in need. Schedules are more relaxed, and you won’t feel as rushed. We would hate for you to experience a dental emergency due to postponing your routine visit. Read on to learn more about the importance of routine dental care.

Don’t Forget To Schedule Your Next Appointment With Us Read More »

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