Unexplained Headaches? What To Do To Help!

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Have you been experiencing unexplained headaches? Or maybe your headaches have been feeling different lately and you aren’t sure if it is a migraine. For multiple reasons, many Americans have been suffering from more migraine headaches over the past few months. For all of us, life is different in many ways. Work, school, and even the recent holidays were different than what we were used to. Medical experts from all fields are seeing an increase in patients experiencing a variety of symptoms. One common symptom being noticed is severe headaches. Migraine headaches consist of varying, intense levels of discomfort in the head. Typically affecting one side of the head, a migraine can cause a severe throbbing or pulsing sensation that is often accompanied by nausea and sensitivity to light and sound. Migraine headaches affect every patient differently, and some can last for hours or even days, greatly interfering with daily life. The intense stress levels that we have been living with for the past ten months are causing migraine headaches for those who have never experienced them before and current sufferers to have an increased number of recurring episodes. One possible link is to a problem like temporomandibular disorder, or TMD. TMD is discomfort in your jawbone and the hinge that connects your jawbone to your skull. The added stress is causing many individuals to grind their teeth, leading to issues with TMD and migraine headaches. Managing migraine headaches can be a guessing game and a process of elimination to determine what is helpful. Here are some suggestions for home remedies to try before your appointment:

  • Use an icepack on your forehead, neck, and scalp for relief.
  • A coffee or caffeine drink can help.
  • Lay in a dark, quiet room.
  • Introduce exercise into your daily routine.
  • Make sure you are getting regular sleep.

If you have been experiencing migraine headaches or feel that you may also be suffering from TMD, please contact our office located in Brunswick, GA to schedule a consultation. We can discuss migraine therapy treatment plans or look into whether your headaches are related to TMD symptoms. We can discuss treatment options for that as well. We look forward to working with you to improve your quality of life. 

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