The WandⓇ: Almost Magic

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At Dentistry by Angela Britt, we take great pride in incorporating technology in our practice. Dental technology advances daily, and if those advancements can benefit our patients in any way, we want to learn more. One of our favorite technological tools is our dental wand. This award-winning wonder allows us to anesthetize patients more comfortably and efficiently than ever before. As dental professionals, it’s easy to be enthusiastic about state-of-the-art equipment, but we think you’ll be excited to learn more, too.

Among the many benefits of the Wand are:

  1. Improved precision. With traditional anesthetic injections, the area surrounding the affected tooth becomes numb. The Wand allows us to anesthetize a single tooth! How does this enhance your dental experience? You won’t leave our office with a numb face.
  2. Improved comfort. Occasionally, patients are more anxious about receiving an anesthetic injection than they are about the procedure itself. The Wand delivers anesthesia with less discomfort than a traditional syringe injection. It also offers more sustained numbness, which means that you will remain comfortable throughout your entire treatment. Greater comfort for you also means less anxiety. That’s a win-win in our books.
  3. Improved efficiency. If you’ve ever needed treatment on multiple teeth, you may have been required to visit your dentist to treat each tooth. Because The Wand allows us to numb a single tooth at a time, it also allows us to perform multiple treatments in one visit. This saves YOU time, and who couldn’t use more of that?

Everything we do is done with patient comfort in mind. The Wand has been invaluable in easing patient anxiety, increasing their comfort, and instilling their confidence in our practice. If you live in Brunswick, Georgia, or the surrounding areas and would like to experience the type of treatment that we offer, contact us today to schedule a consultation.

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