New Year, New Teeth, New You

Britt Blog 01 2018 2

The beginning of a new year is the perfect time to take stock in our lives. How many times have we put our needs on the back burner in order to take care of a friend or loved one? How often have we run ourselves ragged trying to do too much? I propose that this year, you make your happiness and health — including dental health — a priority. If you have recently experienced an extraction or having been battling with your dentures, then treat yourself to dental implants. Dental implants as a treat? Let me explain.

How You Can Benefit from Dental Implants

While there are a number of solutions for tooth loss, I almost always recommend dental implants. Why? They offer benefits that no other tooth replacement option can, such as:

  • Permanence — Whether you’re having a single implant placed or an entire mouth full, each implant is permanent. As your implants heal, they fuse with the natural bone in your jaw. This not only makes them permanent, but the most stable tooth replacement option available.
  • Freedom to eat — Because of the stability implants offer, you are free to eat what you wish. Denture wearers struggle with eating tough foods or getting seeds and other food particles stuck between their gums and dentures. With implants, you can enjoy a crisp apple, filet mignon, and fresh berries to your heart’s content.
  • Easy care — Implants are individually placed, which means you can clean between and around them just as you would natural teeth. Simply brush and floss as I recommend and follow through with your scheduled dental exams. No overnight soaking required.
  • Improved health — Unlike some other dental prosthetics, implants prevent further damage from occurring to your remaining teeth, gums, jaws, and facial structure. When a missing tooth is not replaced, the remaining teeth will shift. This shift can adversely affect your bite, compromise your jaw alignment, and even distort the shape of your face. Dental implants prevent all of this from occurring
  • Improved self-esteem — Dental implants look and function like real teeth. If you weren’t happy with the smile nature provided, I can finally give you the one you’ve always dreamed of. Enjoy the newfound confidence that comes with having a beautiful smile. Take care of yourself; get the grin you deserve and then share it with the world.

The next time you come in, let’s have a conversation about how dental implants can improve your life. Whether you commit to treatment or not, make sure that you place yourself somewhere at the top of your priority list this year.

Dr. Britt

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