Importance Of Improving Poor Oral Health Habits

Britt Oct22 Blog

Do you find yourself skimping on your oral hygiene routine at times? Or do you find yourself putting things in your mouth other than food? We encourage our patients to remain diligent with their oral health to prevent tooth decay, gum disease, or other conditions. We see many of our patients so infrequently during the year, which is why it is so important for them to maintain proper oral health habits on their own to ensure long-term oral health.

Harmful Habits to Avoid

We encourage you to evaluate how you care for your oral health, and if you have any of the following habits, start making the necessary changes today to improve your oral health:

Improper Cleaning Habits
Many patients are surprised to learn that we recommend they brush their teeth for two minutes twice daily. When you time yourself, you might be surprised how long two minutes really is. This gives enough time for you to thoroughly clean each part of the teeth, your tongue, your gums, and also around the gumline. We recommend flossing daily as well. Flossing helps remove any lingering food and bacteria from between your teeth and along the gumline.

Using Teeth as Tools
It can be tempting to use your teeth to rip open packages or tear the tags off a new clothing item, but we recommend using scissors instead of your teeth. Although your teeth are the strongest substance in your body, they are not indestructible. When you use your teeth improperly, you can cause uneven wear and increase the likelihood of chipping or breaking.

Eating Throughout the Day
Snacking and drinking throughout the day can be extremely harmful to your teeth. Food and bacteria linger in your mouth after eating and drinking, and overexposure of bacteria can lead to issues with decay. It is best to eat at set meal times.

If you have one of the habits above, we highly encourage you to change your ways as soon as possible. Your teeth and your wallet will thank you! If you are located in the Brunswick, GA area and have questions about harmful habits and how they are affecting your oral health, please contact our office today!

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