Bleeding Gums

Britt Blog 1200x630 September

It is not uncommon to experience bleeding gums occasionally. It is most noticeable if you see a hint of red or pink when you brush your teeth. Most of the time, bleeding gums are nothing to be concerned about and may indicate that you damaged your gums while eating or have food stuck between your teeth that irritated your gums. The problem arises when your gums are bleeding on a regular basis. It can signal that you have a problem with your oral health that needs to be treated. Some causes of bleeding gums may include:

Gum Disease
This condition occurs when there is a buildup of plaque and tartar along the gumline. It is a common condition that affects a large number of adults. Although there are not many warning signs, bleeding gums is one of the few to look out for between dentist appointments.

Poor Oral Hygiene Routine
If you are not brushing and flossing your teeth properly, it can lead to bleeding gums. Bleeding gums can also be caused if you are brushing and flossing your teeth too harshly and causing trauma to your gums. If you are unsure how to clean your teeth correctly, we would be happy to help you during your next appointment.

There are quite a number of medications that can cause bleeding gums. If you have recently started a new medication, you can reach out to your doctor or pharmacy to see if bleeding gums is a side effect. This is also one of the reasons we request you share any recent changes to your medical history and medications when you visit our office.

If you experience bleeding gums, it is important not to worry, but it is important to visit us soon. If you are located in the New Brunswick, GA area, we recommend calling our office to schedule an appointment. We can perform an examination and determine the exact cause and recommend a treatment plan. We look forward to helping get your oral health back on track.

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