TMJ Disorder (TMD)

senior with pain in front of ears

What can cause TMJ (TMD)?

  • grinding or clenching your teeth, which puts a lot of pressure on the joint
  • movement of the soft cushion or disc between the ball and socket of the joint
  • stress, which can cause you to tighten facial and jaw muscles or clench teeth
  • injury to your jaw, joint, or muscles of your head and neck
  • a bad bite or poorly positioned teeth

It has been recognized that approximately 90% of the pain in the body comes from muscles. Since the muscles of the head and neck are all related to or affected by the bite or jaw relationship, it is critical to consider muscle comfort in the assessment, diagnosis and treatment of patients who suffer with bite issues. Many individuals do not realize that muscles play an important role in dentistry.

The traditional dental education still focuses on the relationship between the upper and lower teeth combined with the jaw joint position but completely misses evaluation of the muscles. Why hasn’t anyone caught it before? Dentistry is about more than just your teeth!

When the muscles of the head and neck and the teeth are not in harmony, pain can develop. Symptoms such as headaches, vertigo, ringing in the ears, jaw pain, neck pain, sensitive teeth, just to list a few, can be associated with TMJ disorder. There are a few options available. The most effective is a bite computer, it is used to determine the optimal bite position and an orthotic fabricated to reposition the jaw joints, thus decompressing the joints and alleviating the pain. This method determines the cause of the pain while providing a solution for symptoms.

Dr. Britt wants to help you build the perfect pain free bite!!! Hurry and call 912-264-5550 to schedule an appointment for you to achieve the optimal bite!

Keep On Smiling,

Dr. Angela Britt

For Fabulous, Function and Fit call Dr. Britt today to schedule your appointment!

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