Would you like to hear “real life” stories from patients to learn about their experiences? We recently sat down with Peggy, Elizabeth, and Marna, three of our dental implant patients, and asked them to share their thoughts with us.
Do you also have missing teeth? Do you want to do something about them but you aren’t sure what? Like Peggy, Elizabeth, and Marna, many of our patients have chosen to replace missing teeth with dental implants. This is an excellent option because implants provide you with the closest thing to your “real” teeth by providing a stable, permanent foundation for crowns and bridges.
Peggy, a patient with us since 2002, mentioned how comfortable she has always felt in our care. In the past year, she had a cracked tooth. She opted to have a single implant with a crown instead of having a bridge made. She said the team at Dentistry by Angela Britt helped her to feel relaxed throughout the process — and she was surprised that the process was not painful. She is thrilled with the outcome because the implant is very strong and feels like a “normal” tooth.
Elizabeth was impressed when we asked and listened to her concerns. She came to realize that she had been compensating for her missing teeth for a long time. She told us that her implants were a perfect fit from the moment she received them and they have provided her with a new way of living — and eating! Now she can’t imagine not having them!
Marna has been happy with our team and the implant procedure itself — she felt “no pain!” She shared that she feels fortunate that she found Dr. Britt and all the “wonderful” people on our team.
If you are contemplating what to do about one or more missing teeth, take a minute to watch and listen to Peggy, Elizabeth, and Marna share their stories. Sometimes, there is nothing quite like hearing from someone who has had an experience to help us decide what we should do. If you have questions about implants, or any other concerns that you would like to discuss, please contact the office to schedule a consultation.
All the best,
Dr. Britt