Bleeding Gums

Britt Blog February 24

Gum Disease Awareness Month

When you visit our office for an oral hygiene examination and cleaning, we do more than just clean your teeth. We also look for problems like gum disease, a serious gum infection caused by bacterial growth along the gumline and around the base of the tooth. February is designated as Gum Disease Awareness Month in an effort to educate people about the prevalence of the disease and the lasting effects it can have if left untreated. Gum disease affects approximately half of American adults, so it is likely that you or one of your loved ones will be affected by this disease.

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Britt Blog 1200x630 September

Bleeding Gums

It is not uncommon to experience bleeding gums occasionally. It is most noticeable if you see a hint of red or pink when you brush your teeth. Most of the time, bleeding gums are nothing to be concerned about and may indicate that you damaged your gums while eating or have food stuck between your teeth that irritated your gums. The problem arises when your gums are bleeding on a regular basis. It can signal that you have a problem with your oral health that needs to be treated. Some causes of bleeding gums may include:

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